About Gary
'My father was born in the height of The Great Depression and was an extremely self-sufficient person. While growing up, we never had repair people come to the house as he was very capable in his repair and craftmanship skills. My "apprenticeship" began at an early age by holding the flashlight so he could see better during automotive, electrical, plumbing and other repairs. One of the important things he imparted to me was to NOT cut corners or take shortcuts. He said 'if you don't plan on spending a few more minutes (sometimes hours) on the fine details and use quality materials - don't start the job'.
That is a bit about my past and I have taken these life lessons and applied the to All Things Auto Art. I have worked very hard to produce very well thought out designs with great care and attention to fine details.
Many of the designs use Ohio and PA themes, however I have an extensive assortment of plates from other states and countries. In addition to using plates from my inventory, I also use customer supplied plates for unique works and they can be viewed in my Custom Creations portfolio. I primarily focus maintaining a presence at local artisan shows, where I bring a small selection of items and can take a more personalized approach with customers to explain the workmanship and capabilities.
If you are looking for a unique gift, something for your office, indoor or outdoor entertaining area, please send me an email.